Mental Health Issues:

The National Institute of Mental Health is a reliable source and offers a wealth of information on mental illness:  CLICK HERE


For free resources for women who experienced sexual abuse before the age of 18: CLICK HERE

Gambling Use Disorder:

For resources on problem gambling: NCPG Home - National Council on Problem Gambling (

National Problem Gambling Helpline: 1-800-GAMBLER



 Substance Use Disorders:

To apply for a scholarship for addiction/co-occurring treatment: CLICK HERE

To find resources for treatment of Alcohol Use Disorders: CLICK HERE

For a guide to local insurance-based treatment options in NYC: CLICK HERE

For resources for accessing a plethora of mental health and substance use resources: CLICK HERE

For guide to detoxes and treatment centers: CLICK HERE - This is an excellent resource that features abundant information including mental health and substance use resources specifically for the AAPI (American Asian and Pacific Islander) community.

Online AA Meetings


Online Recovery Dharma Meetings

This is a mutual support group that utilizes a Buddhist approach to healing.


Online SMART Recovery Meetings

This is a peer-based group that uses scientific approaches to mutual support.


Grievance Policy

Grievances about workshops provided by Jumana Grassi, LCSW should be made directly to Heather Claibourn, LCSW Social Work Consultant at Heather@Shinepsychotherapy; or via phone at (530) 570-1151. Heather will respond within 48 hours. A final resolution will be determined within 7 business days.

You may also contact CE Director, Jumana Grassi Murphy, at

When a participant, either verbally or in written format, files a grievance the following actions will be taken by the Social Work Consultant, Heather Claibourn:

  1. If the complaint concerns a facilitator/speaker, the content presented by the speaker, or the style of presentation, the individual filing the complaint will be asked to put his/her comments in writing. Heather Claibourn will then pass on the comments to the speaker, assuring the confidentiality of the individual making the complaint.

  2. If the complaint concerns content, level of presentation, or the facilities in which the workshop was offered, Heather Claibourn will mediate. Jumana G. Murphy will be the final arbitrator.

  3. If the participant requests action during a workshop or conference, Heather Claibourn will investigate the request and take necessary actions. In some cases,  Jumana Grassi, LCSW (the organization) will offer a full or partial refund or will provide credit to another workshop.

All actions outlined above will require a written note, documenting the grievance, for record keeping purposes.  The note will be kept confidential if requested.